Come for Community
Find Inspiration
Live with Purpose
UUCA recognizes that people want to connect in many ways.
Sunday services are at 10:15 am
Services are held in UUCA’s sanctuary and livestreamed.
The best resource for current events is the weekly newsletter, Connections.
Are you ready to make a meaningful difference? Volunteer!
Sunday Worship
UUCA holds a vibrant,
music-filled, inspirational Service every Sunday.
Livestream link here, too!
Social Justice
Social Justice work is one of UUCA’s main principals. Learn more about what we do to make a difference.

Lifespan Education
We offer programing for all families, from Sunday morning youth education, to adult classes and groups.
Upcoming Special Events
First Fridays
March 7
6:30pm-9:30pm (come and go anytime!)
Boardroom, UUCA
Join us for a new UUCA tradition. The first Friday of each month we welcome people of all ages to join us for food and fun.
March 7: Friends and Family Board Game Night for All Ages
Pizza and snacks
Chalice Theatre Presents: Once Upon a Mattress
February 28-March 15
Chalice Theatre returns for another production. This year, a new interpretation of “Once Upon a Mattress”.
Tickets required and are available to purchase in advance.
UUCA Annual Campaign: We Need Each Other Now
March 1-March 31
It is hard to think of a time when this congregation has mattered more.
It is a complex time to ask people to give to the ongoing work of the congregation. And it also feels like an important time—because it is so clear how much this church matters
Refuge, Resistance, Resilience
Our Sunday Services
UUCA records Sunday Services, and they are available to watch any time.
To access the full library hosted on UUCA’s YouTube channel, click here.
Below are a few of our most-loved recent services.
Part One of Three:
“Want Friends?”
Most Sundays, on the drive home, Rev. Amanda sees a sign outside a big church that says “Want friends? Wednesday at 7pm.” No other words are on the sign—just a picture of donuts. Who doesn’t want friends? And, maybe, donuts? But making friends can feel challenging, even in a community like UUCA. Join Rev. Amanda to explore the challenges and joys of building friendship throughout life.
Despite its inevitable pain, loss, and suffering – human beings continue to engage in armed combat. Must we continue to accept the atrocities of war? How do we “support the troops” and oppose the war? Is there a Unitarian Universalist approach to war? Is our hope for lasting, meaningful PEACE unrealistic? A questioning sermon.
“MLK Service”
UUCA Ministers Rev. Amanda Poppei and Rev. Carol Thomas Cissel join their voices in a special service, urging us to consider both the reality and the mythology that surrounds our memories of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.